It Takes a Village …

There is an old African proverb that Hillary Clinton used as title of her book – ‘It takes a village to raise a child.’

As my children are getting older, and I see the various influences on their life I’ve come to appreciate more what a true statement this.  For my children – it’s their grandparents, teachers, tv – all teaching, informing, molding them as they learn and grow. Naturally, I’m more pleased with some of these influences than others.

It’s also allowed me to reflect on who helped to shape my world view today.  Whether it’s my values, sense of humor, or other things picked up along the way.  Starting next Thursday, I’ll be doing some cross-posting between here and Twitter.  Each Thursday will now be ‘Thankful Thursday’ as I do a brief homage to the various people who been kind enough to help me along the way.  I’ll be posting some extended background here, and a brief summary on Twitter.